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  • Asale Kimaada

Tribute To The Late Congressman & Civil Rights Leader Honorable John Robert Lewis February 21, 1940

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

Take the time to teach your children about this legendary Civil Rights Leader.

How could we honor him the most?

What was important to him?

"John Lewis viewed "Equal access to the vote regardless of race, as the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democracy". On December 6, 2019, "Lewis held the gavel as the House passed the Voting Rights Advancement Act which would establish new criteria for determining how states with histories of voting discrimination could change their voting laws".

Teaching Black History In The 21st Century.

Our community young and old come together to pass down and preserve our history, (San Leandro Oratorical) speaking on the struggles and accomplishments of our forefathers. Remembering the strength of the shoulders we are standing upon. Strong determined shoulders like the Honorable John Robert Lewis!

Remembering the struggles of the Jim Crow error. The fight against "The New Jim Crow". ( Michelle Alexander).This U.S. Representative wants us to use the tools he fought for "The Vote".

Teaching Black History In The 21st Century!

Grandmothers Who Help believes - It is important to get to the polls and equally important to understand the process, based on an educated perspective, not a uneducated guess.


Nikema Williams will be the replacement nominee to face off against Angela Stanton-King to replace the late U.S. Representative John Robert Lewis on the November 3rd ballot.

How would you explain to your children the process and the importance to our communities of filling this seat.

"Research, Research, Research"

Google It During COVIID19

The Presidential Election will be broadcast nation wide. Children will be on the internet

This is an opportunity

Teaching African American History in the 21 Century.

Sign up for an interactive panel discussion teaching our community about Voter Rights with Parents, Students, and Local Officials.

A Tribute To John Robert Lewis

A Fun Educational Interactive Panel.

Send Your Name, Email Address, Phone number and confirm you are willing to help. We will confirm a date time and Zoom link.


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